
Regulation & Compliance
Impero operates a Certified Quality Assurance system that is integral to the project delivery process.
Impero have earned and continue to maintain best practice certifications in Quality Management, Environment Management and Workplace, Health & Safety Management.
ISO certified (ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001)
Member of the Master Builders Association (NSW and QLD)
Successful Applicant for Contractor Prequalification and Best Practice Accreditation Scheme 2015-2019 for construction and related works.
Risk Management Process
The Impero Risk Group (IRG) meets on a weekly basis as part of the PCG and reports directly to the Partnership Board.
The IRG identifies and considers the key risks currently facing the business and prioritises them based upon their probability and potential impact.
With one group managing this process from start to finish Impero are able to mitigate risks before they come close to posing an issue to the business or projects.
Business Performance
Impero carries out monthly Project Reviews with all key stakeholders on live projects.
Monthly PCG meetings are held on site to give ground teams full knowledge of the project and track its progress from every aspect.
Impero bonding capacity has grown to accommodate the largest projects and facilitate the breadth of technical expertise within the company.
Insurance Cover & System
Impero holds Contract Works, Standard Professional Indemnity, Workers Compensation and Public Liability insurance in line with construction industry standards.
Impero have $29M pre-approved Home Owners Warranty.
The company subscribes to the leading industry software including Buildsoft, JobPac, Procore and Hammertech providing all project teams with the framework to efficiently manage projects from start to finish.